Experience Excellence in Early Education at Essence: Creating Magical Moments!

At Essence Early Learning We Are About Relationships And Building Strong Lifelong Learning To Set Children Up With The Best Start To Life.

Our Location:

Our Childcare Programs

Music Program

Our Music Program is an educational music experience where children learn the concepts of beat, rhythm, tempo, pitch and dynamics during childcare in a play based environment.

Yoga & Mindfulness

Aligned with the EYLF and National Educational Curriculum, our childcare's Yoga professional team offer unique movement, mindfulness and breathing programs that are connecting kids with wellbeing.

Location Specific Programs


'Active Squirtz' awesome nutritional adventures to help children learn health food choices & getting active.

Bush Kinder Program

Our Bush Kinder program creates many opportunites for children to delight in a deep, attentive connection with the amazing land in which we live. Promoting Aboriginal culture, understanding and challenging existing beliefs during childcare.


StoryPark is an online platform that enables parents to have a secure view of their child's learning journey from the moment they start at Essence Early Learning through until their last day. 

Abecedarian Approach

The Abecedarian Approach is one of the few evidence-based, proven programs that integrates basic principles of human learning and development into a fun, affordable, and effective approach to early childhood education. 

At Essence, Our Childcare Is About Relationships And Building Strong Lifelong Learning To Set Children Up With The Best Start To Life.

The Story Behind Essence

Team 1

Louise started in early childhood education in 1990 and grew up aspiring to work with children from a very young age, it was like it was her destiny to follow this path.

Come in for a tour Of Our Childcare Centre and feel our difference in person.

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Come in for a centre tour and feel our difference in person.